Recognizing the healing power of companion animals, the mission of Heart2Heart Pet Lifeline is to keep pets out of shelters and rescues and help owners keep them in loving homes. To that end, we provide financial help for veterinary services and other pet needs to income eligible pet families in need who do not have other options for care. No owner should have to choose between medical care and euthanizing or surrendering a pet.
We are a nonprofit organization hoping to make a difference. We work with Coulee Region Humane Society and other pet rescue organizations, as well as local veterinarians, to identify clients and award grants needed to keep pets healthy and in loving homes.
Making the world a better place
one pet at a time.

Happy Hearts

Rex received assistance from H2H for his 5 year old cattle dog, Cinnamon, who was peeing blood. Because of H2H he was able to have her seen, diagnosed, and treated for a urinary tract infection and is doing 1000% better!

Allison received assistance for cat, Sal, who had not been eating or drinking and had been throwing up. The vet recommended an xray due to concerns for a potential blockage but their machine was broken at the time of her appointment. When speaking with Allison later, she said that Sophia had been doing better following her vet visit.

Annie received assistance for her dog Lanie who needed mammary mass removal. According to the vet, Lanie is doing very well following surgery. One large mass and four smaller ones were removed. She’s healing well and has gotten her energy for life back.

Joanna received assistance for her dog Angel who has been experiencing bad breath, sore gums and had been pawing at her mouth. The vet did a full blood panel and exam. We hope Angel is back to herself & out of pain.

Rita received assistance from H2H for her dog, Arya, who had been attacked by a dog, got away, was hit by a car, and then got attacked by the dog again. As traumatic as it sounds, the injuries Arya sustained appeared minor according to the vet. The vet found no broken bones or deep wounds but did discover she had a pretty bad ear infection which was treated. Hugs for Arya.

Valerie received assistance from H2H for her cat Roz who had been attacked by a dog and had a dislocated jaw and ripped gums. Roz received corrective surgery and is on a wet food diet currently. Valerie mentioned Roz may remain on a wet food diet only depending on how she moves forward as the vet recommended further surgery. Good news is Roz is getting better each day.

Emily received assistance for her cat Tulip who needed an emergency c-section. She lost all of her kittens but thankfully Tulip made it. She had a rough first couple of days but now is well on her way to a full recovery.

Angel received assistance for her 4.5 year old dog, Safari, who has been constantly vomiting and had bloody diarrhea. After being treated at the vet Angel was happy to report that Safari is doing much better, isn’t feeling sick nearly as much and is regaining his energy back.

Angie needed help getting to the bottom of the medical concerns that her 14 year old cat, Kona, was experiencing. Following the vet visit they were able to diagnose Kona with diabetes and potentially needing a dental.