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For grant applications, Coulee Region Humane Society office hours are 9 to 5 on Monday through Friday and 1 to 5 on Saturday and Sunday.

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Cat and dog food is available at two Free Pet Food Pantries in La Crosse.  Pantries are located on the 1800 block of Kane St and in front of Hamilton School at 1111 7th St S.

Heart2Heart Pet Lifeline participates in the free, monthly food distribution provided through the partnership of Hunger Task Force of La Crosse and La Crosse Salvation Army. Currently we do NOT have dog and cat food to give away. There will not be a distribution at the Salvation Army Warehouse in February.


Veterinary grants are available to help provide financial support for urgent and necessary veterinary care. A $25 co-payment is required for emergency medical care grants. Applications for this grant are available here and through the Coulee Region Humane Society. 

Image by Terricks Noah


In an effort to help pets and families,Heart2Heart offers an $100.00 grant that can be used towards a spay/neuter surgery for eligible applicants.  No co-payment is required.  It is available to income-eligible La Crosse County residents.  People who are interested in getting this assistance can contact Coulee Region Humane Society.

Image by Sincerely Media


Heart2Heart Pet Lifeline provides grants for the cost of boarding when there is an urgent need for boarding services to prevent surrender of a pet.  Applications for this grant are available here and through the Coulee Region Humane Society  Here is a list of boarding facilities in La Crosse.

Image by Chris Benson


Financial assistance is available to help provide income eligible pet owners when moving into government or transitional housing that requires pet licensing. There is no co-payment for qualifying applicants. The application is available here and through the Coulee Region Humane Society. 


Grants of $60 are available for puppy and dog training classes at Happy Tails Training Center to income-eligible applicants.  The application is available here and through the Coulee Region Humane Society. 

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The following criteria will be used to determine if funds will be awarded:

● The financial need of the animal owner.
● The opinion of the treating veterinarian as to the medical necessity and
prognosis for the treatment needed.
● The urgent need for pet boarding services to prevent surrender of the animal.
● The demonstrated capability of the owner to take responsibility for his/her animal.

How it works.

Coulee Region Humane Society assists Heart2Heart in awarding grants to applicants. Applicants submit their completed application to CRHS where staff will review it and, using H2H guidelines, determine eligibility.  If guidelines are met, the application can be considered for a grant award. Only completed applications will be considered for funding. All requested information is required. 

Grants typically are $500 but may be higher under certain circumstances. The grants are given directly to the veterinarian or boarding business providing the service. Funds are never given directly to the grant recipient. Funding will be available for 30 days after approval.

Grant recipients will be called within two weeks of completion of veterinary services to check on the condition of pet. At that time, they may also be asked if they are willing to participate in a media interview to tell their story and promote Heart2Heart services.


All funding requests for all domestic companion animals will be considered at Heart2Heart’s discretion. We will not cover farm animals, animals owned by breeders, or animals used for research or commercial purposes of any kind.

Grant applications are available here or at Coulee Region Humane Society



Heart2Heart Eligibility Guidelines

The following criteria will be used to determine if funds will be awarded for an animal’s care:

  • Financial need of the animal owner.

  • Opinion of the treating veterinarian as to the medical necessity and prognosis for the treatment needed.

  • Urgent need for pet boarding services to prevent surrender of the animal.

  • Demonstrated capability of the owner to take responsibility for his/her animal.


All funding requests for all domestic companion animals will be considered at Heart2Heart’s discretion. We will NOT cover farm animals, animals owned by breeders, or animals used for research or commercial purposes of any kind.



All information is required. Only completed applications will be considered for funding.

  • Applicant must live within La Crosse County.

  • Applicant must be seeking assistance for necessary medical care, spay/neuter surgery or emergency boarding services for a pet.

  • For veterinary services the applicant must obtain a diagnosis and treatment plan before applying and provide a complete cost estimate from your veterinarian on medical care needed for his/her pet. Our grants for medical care have a maximum of $500. Grant decisions are based on several factors including: medical necessity, financial need, available funding and eligibility. A copay of $25 is required for H2H grants, and the applicant is responsible for the balance of the veterinary bill.

  • For boarding services, the application must detail specific circumstances, boarding time, and estimated cost from boarding business. Heart2Heart will cover, if needed, required immunizations for boarding but will not exceed the maximum grant of $500.00.

  •   Spay/neuter grants up to $100 may be used at any area veterinary clinic and an appointment must be booked within 30 days of approval. The applicant is responsible for the balance of the veterinary bill. No copay is required.

  • Dog Training grants are $60, awarded after the recipient has registered and made partial payment for a class at Happy Tails Training Center.

  •    The applicant must have investigated other financial options and provide proof of financial need. Evidence of financial need can be demonstrated by participation in programs such as SSI, unemployment, Wisconsin Works.

  •   Heart2Heart grants are given directly to the veterinarian or business who provides the service. Funds are never given directly to the grant recipient. Funding pledged will be available for 30 days after approval.

  •   The applicant will be asked to provide us with a photo of his/her pet and must agree to allow us to include any, all or part of your story and a picture of your pet in our promotional materials. (We will not include your real name.)




Heart2Heart does not cover the following:
  • Reimbursement for already completed treatment or help with an outstanding bill.
  • If you have already received assistance from Heart2Heart within the past 12 months.
  • Elective surgeries (surgeries not required for health.)

  • If a pet is determined to be terminally ill our grant does not cover treatment beyond veterinary visit to determine diagnosis, euthanasia, or cremation fees.

  • Routine dental cleaning.

  • Additional routine care such as annual vet exams, vaccines, routine tests or screens.

Heart2Heart is not responsible for loss of pet due to any procedure or service performed.

Here are income guidelines to help you assess whether you are eligible for a grant.

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A person or group of people, related or not, who usually (though not necessarily) live together and whose income and consumption of goods and services are related.

All sources of gross income, including overtime, in the household before any deductions are made. This also includes, but is not limited to, child support, unemployment, and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments

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