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Happy Hearts

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Ava received assistance from H2H for her dog Odelia who had an emergency vet visit and potentially ingested items other than food. Memory Foam is for sleeping on, not eating. Odelia passed it and all is good now.

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Beth received assistance from Heart2Heart for her 4 month old pup, Lonnie, who was vomiting and lethargic. The vet found he had a bowel obstruction requiring surgery. As it turns out he ate a nerf ball. He is recovering and Beth is grateful!

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Lisa applied for assistance for her 7 year old dog, Kookie, who had been sick for about a month - had been throwing up, not eating, and getting weaker. After exhausting their savings the next step was to do exploratory surgery. As it turns out, he had a bowel obstruction after eating something that looked like a nut or pit about the size of a walnut but smooth. He is doing much better.

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Paula was very grateful to get assistance  her 10 year old mini dachshund, Beauty. She had an infection following a dental which was treated with antibiotics but is now doing well.

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Sue received assistance  for her 16 year old cat, Fiona, whom she stated was having respiratory issues. When she was taken to the vet she was treated for urinary tract issues and given antibiotics. During her recheck Fiona continued to have urinary issues.

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Julie received assistance from H2H for her seven year old lab, Charlie, who had a mass that needed to be removed from his back. Per Julie, Charlie is doing well. She’s just trying to keep him calm while he heals.


Jane received assistance for her 3 year old cat, Freddie, who had a UTI and needed an ultrasound to check for kidney/bladder stones. Frog was able to get an ultrasound to rule out any kidney/bladder stones. None were found which was such a relief. He’s now on a wet food diet and has been feeling a lot better.


Allergies and infections! Poor Oscar was so uncomfortable. His scratching at that itchy ear led to hot spots. Stace learned that Oscar has allergies. That is so tough on everyone – mostly Oscar - and we wish them well.


Lots of pets with itchy skin! Popcorn had a hotspot itched raw on his neck and it wasn’t getting better on its own. So, David got this precious kitten to the vet where medicated shampoo and antibiotics were provided to help. We wish Popcorn the best, hoping that hot spot is now long gone.

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Itchy, scaly skin. Scratching and nuzzling. Duke was very uncomfortable. Kara, his person, heard about Heart2Heart and came for help. Help she got in the form of a steroid and antibiotic her her buddy Duke. It took a couple weeks but he is feeling much better. Kara thank you all for your help.

P.S. Isn't he cute?

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Your cat’s skin is turning yellow? Kristine got her sweet Willa, who hadn’t been eating well, some help. We don’t know what was wrong, but fluids, proper meds, and a week’s time and Willa is feeling much better.

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It's the first time we could help a bearded dragon! This poor guy, Spike, couldn’t poop and didn’t want to eat. A laxative, special food and care directions and Spike is doing OK. Evan says Spike is not back to 100% and he has all our good wishes to feel better fast.

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